WP 1- Climate-Smart Agriculture & Environmental Management (CSAEM)
- Three functional multi-disciplinary research groups established
- KNUST faculty and postgraduate students collaborate with stakeholders to conduct demand-driven research in CSAEM
- Staff upgrade and Exchange Program for PhDs and Postdocs in CSAEM
- Organize stakeholder workshops for needs assessment and problem identification
- Develop "Call for Proposals" and advertise across the university
- Review proposals and constitute three (3) multidisciplinary research groups
- Organize team-building workshops for multidisciplinary research
- Conduct workshop on innovation and commercialization of research
- Conduct multidisciplinary research studies
- Conduct research communication and uptake training workshop for research groups
- Disseminate research findings with stakeholders ( manuscript writing, conference papers, stakeholder meetings)
- Conduct workshop on proposal development for RGs